Picayune Porter Starcraft AI

Picayune Porter is a Terran version of UAlbertaBot featuring Vulture-kiting, bunkers at choke points, and a tweaked build order based on Flash’s Double Armoury Build.

Michael Morris-O'Connor Portfolio work: screenshot from Starcraft showing Picayune Porter AI fighting. Eight marines in white (Picayune) are attacking a yellow bunker.


CMPUT350 Group Project
Fall 2016


Programmer & Technical Writer


StarCraft: Brood War, C++, GitHub, Slack, Visual Studio

Picayune Porter is a three student project for CMPUT350 (Advanced AI in Games) to create an AI that wins the most Starcraft matches against other bots.  We converted the university’s Zerg AI (UAlbertaBot) to a Terran AI within one month.  The project offered many challenges since the base AI didn’t support Terran features.  For example, the base AI had no logic to build base defenses or research unit upgrades.  Because Terrans have a slow start, we added counters to common rush tactics.  At the end of the month, our bot took part in a round-robin tournament against eighteen other bots.  These included twelve student bots, UAlbertaBot, and previous tourney winners. As a result of our changes, Picayune came in second place.  Our AI offered the only improvement over the AI performance baseline (+12.5% win rate).


Researched best build order to use
Coded logic to build bunkers near choke points
Programmed early-rush defense
Developed Reaver drop defense
Tweaked build order for best results
Wrote technical documentation

Picayune Porter Features

Flash’s Double Armory BuildOptimized build order for vehicle mass production
Vulture Kiting and MinesVultures drop Spider Mines behind themselves when chased by enemies
Bunkers at Choke PointsPlaces bunkers at base entrances to protect bases
Researches UpgradesPrevious bots did not research Terran upgrades
Early-Rush DefensePrevious bots did not protect their bases
Anti-Air DefenseGoliaths are upgraded early to protect Vultures and Siege Tanks from aerial attacks
Reaver Drop DefenseMissile turrets are built early to prevent Reaver Drops

Soft Counters

(Tweaked) Flash’s Double Armoury Build2 base Reaver to Carrier
Slow expanding Protoss
Early Bunkers at choke-pointsEarly-game Zerg rush
Missile Turret near resourcesReaver Drop

Hard Counters

Protoss Cannon Rush
Invisible Units
Mutalisk Rush

Picayune Porter Team

I had the pleasure of working with the following people to bring the Picayune AI to life:


Christopher Hegberg


D’arcy Hamilton


Michael Morris-O’Connor

Contact Me

If you need more details on my work, or if you wish to discuss narrative design opportunities, then please contact me.

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